Posted by: Bad News Banker | August 29, 2009

Katie & Jenn

Kat & JennThese are my two cousins. Jenn on the left and Katie on the right. Jenn just started her first year of college at Reinhardt and Katie is in her third year at Agnes Scott. They are my youngest set of cousins and they are at least one generation younger. They grew up on the opposite side of Atlanta but it feels like they live in another state. At best, I see them twice a year but most of the time, I see them on Christmas Eve.

Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, and Katie’s blog, I get a play-by-play summary of  their daily events.  I visit Katie’s blog on a daily basis, and it is Katie that I give full credit for starting my own blog.  She is a beautiful person and a beautiful writer, and I would give up my first born to have her gift of writing.

Katie pours her heart and soul into her blog and it is her brutal honesty that I love. She keeps it real. It is the good stuff. The stuff that makes us tick. She has all of the confusion of a young college student who is trying to find her place in this world.  I love it and love her!

Maybe this sounds a little creepy, but I’m finally getting to know one of my family members through an electronic media. It almost feels like I’m peaking into a little girl’s diary. Creepy, I know.

Maybe someday, Jenn will start twittering or start her own blog. I know very little about this young lady. From time-to-time, Katie will share some thoughts and insight into Jenn’s life. I look forward to seeing Jenn either start a blog or give us a play-by-play look into her life on Twitter.

Either way, good luck ladies. Enjoy these college years while you can. You have the rest of your life to work in a career field. Don’t worry about the guys that are coming in and out of your lives. Most of them are a distraction anyway. Love ya!


  1. Sorry. You remind me of a Cat. I changed your name to its proper spelling. Forgive me…..:)

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