Posted by: Bad News Banker | April 28, 2010

Am I in my Element?

Several e-mails with a co-worker led me to this thought, “Am I in my element?”  A coworker informed me that her husband lost his job several months ago, and on a leap of faith decided a complete career change.  “He is in his element,” she proclaimed.  “We are not dependent on his income, so he was able to pursue his dream position.”  “Wow, good for him,” I wrote back.

So, am I in my element?  After a few minutes of thought, my conclusion: nope.  I am a commercial lender and I love what I do so surely I am in my element, right?  Wrong.  Due to the weak economy, tightening of credit standards, and an FDIC stranglehold, we (my employer) has significantly cut back on its lending.

With that being said, it is very difficult for a lender to show up at a bank and not lend.  Just like it would be hard for a preacher to stand up in church and not preach.  Or, a batter to step up to the plate with the bases loaded, but be told that he can’t swing the bat.

It’s frustration to the point of anger.  It’s like the Wright Brothers being told to build a plane, but you can’t fly it.  You’re told patience, faith, perseverance.   I’ve heard that when one door closes another one is opened.  Does that apply to me?  I want my element.

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