Posted by: Bad News Banker | May 20, 2010

I am NOT a Bad Person

After thinking through my previous blog, I soon realized that I must forgive my grandmother.  Harnessing and bottling up all of that anger, bitterness, and resentment will only lead to a lifetime of regret and mental unhealthiness.  Not to mention it’s just wrong.

I must unconditionally forgive her, and accept the fact that she may never apologize or ask for any type of forgiveness.  I must forgive her without any thoughts or expectations of reciprocation from her.  In the end, I’ve learned that the only things we really have to cling to in our lives are our faith, family, and friends. We are always willing to forgive a stranger, a coworker or a passerby, but when it comes to the ones we love the most, we tend to hold them to a higher standard or are unwilling to forgive altogether.

About a year ago, I was at a banking conference with about 25 to 30 bankers, and we were discussing balance in our lives.  The guest speaker asked us to get a sheet of paper and list the 3 most important THINGS in your life.  After a few minutes of scribbling, he asked the group, “If the first thing on your list is a person, please raise your hand.”  Everyone in the room raised their hand. He paused, then asked the same question for the second and third THING on your list, and everyone raised their hands.  His point was that the important THINGS are not really THINGS at all.  It’s people which are your family and friends.

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