Posted by: Bad News Banker | January 24, 2011

Just What I Do

Many moons ago, one of my favorite bands was a group called Trick Pony.  I actually got to meet this band and hang out backstage with them on several occassions.  During the 2003 SEC championship game against LSU, I got to hang out with the band during the game as well as afterwards at the Hotel.  One of their hit songs was called, “Just What IDo.”  I’ve had this song in my mind for several days so I thought it would make a good lead-in to this blog. 

Trick Pony band members: Ira, Heidi, & Keith

Reality is starting to set-in with this unemployed thing.  Jobs are scarce and I’m starting to miss my co-workers.  I’m ready to get back into a routine and feel like that I’m a productive member of society again.

Last week, I met with two mortgage companies and one bank about employment.  Both mortgage companies, I believe, would bring me on today, but I’m not certain this is what I want to do.  It’s appealing because I would basically be my own boss and I would be paid for what I produce.  If I work my butt off then I will be paid accordingly.  If I loaf or slack off then my paycheck will reflect my laziness.  It’s 100% commission and I would be lending again!  However, something in the back of my mind is saying that mortgage lending is just not it.

The bank, on the other hand would be the only bank that I would work for today.  The bank did not budget for any new hires in 2011 but once they met with me they are reconsidering.  It could be a few weeks before I know anything.  This is where the song, “Just What I Do” keeps popping up in my mind.  Banking is just what I do so is it natural for me to want to gravitate back to banking, right? My last year and a half of banking was miserable and I’m still harbouring a lot of negativity towards the FDIC so why would I want to put myself back in this position again? “It’s just what I do.”  Again, something in the back of mind keeps telling me that there is something bigger and better than banking.

Yesterday, while surfing the Linked-In website.  I found something.  Possibly that dream job.  It’s a long shot but I’m going to give it a shot and see….

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