Posted by: Bad News Banker | March 7, 2011

My World: Success & Failure

Sometimes it feels that I’ve vanished from the face of the earth.  Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own little worlds that we forget about everyone elses worlds.  Friends are concerned about your well-being, but we get so caught up in our world that we forget to stay in touch with the people who really care about you.

Yes, I’ve been busy trying to figure out my little world.  When this happens a lot of soul-searching commences.  The world of unemployment is no fun, I can tell you that from experience.  But….unemployment does give you time to reflect and think about what you really want to do.  However, thinking about it does not put money in the bank nor does it put food on the table.

I decided to get my mortgage lending license, and once again reenter the world of lending.  A different world of lending for sure.  Getting the license is the hard part.  You must take a 20-hour prelicensing course, pass a state and federal exam, pass a criminal background check which includes a satisfactory credit report.

Until I get this license in my hand, I can not do anything related to mortgage lending.  Nothing.  If I do, it’s a felony.  Yikes.  I have been shadowing a very successful mortgage lender and I’ve concluded that my past actions have not been indicative of a successful person.

Each of us defines are own success.  Earl Nightingale once said, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.  If a man is working toward a pre-determined goal, and knows where he’s going, that man is a success.  If he’s not doing that, he’s a failure.”

Earl Nightingale during one of his many radio broadcasts heard around the world

I believe we get so caught up in what we perceive to be success that when we earn a salary, then we get complacent, comfortable, and even lazy.  My recommendation to anyone starting out in the business world and needs a mentor should follow a 100% commissioned salesman that’s earning a high income.  I’m doing this now, and I quickly learned that you don’t waste time.  Petty things are just that…petty.  You learn to multi-task, delegate, be aggressive but professional, and communicate effectively.  Successful people put things into action instead of waiting for a reaction.  You make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen.  You answer the phone when it rings and you do not procrastinate.  Things are not put off until tomorrow.  TIME is money.  You must convey success and for the most part patience goes out the door.  If it’s not going to make you money, then you shouldn’t be doing it.

So where am I going with this?  In the past, I’ve admitted to being a procrastinator.  I waste time by piddling.  People have told me that Blogging is a big waste of time.  I love to write, and for a while I viewed this as a waste of time because it will not make me money, or will it?

My mind is all over the place.  I love to write.  I enjoy it. It’s a way for me to vent and to express my feelings.  Today, I even thought of a book to write.  So, what do you do when you have one of these wild hairs?  How can I write a book when I have no stable income?  Should I even write this blog when some people perceive it as a waste of time?  I enjoy it, then is it really a waste of time?

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