Posted by: Bad News Banker | March 8, 2011

Letting Go of a 17-Year Old

I’m going to write.  I don’t care what anybody thinks of me.  I may not have any $$ in my pocket but I’ve a got a little $$ in my mind which makes me a mental millionaire!

This weekend was a big deal for my wife and me but we really didn’t think it was such a big deal until some of our family members criticized us for our decision.  My 17-year old daughter, Brandi asked us last week if she could drive to Charleston, South Carolina to spend the weekend with one of her best friends, Maggie.

Maggie was our next door neighbor and right before she moved to Charleston, she was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes.  Every year in Maggie’s honor, her family participates in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s (JDRF) annual walk in Charleston.  Maggie’s friends and family rally around her and participate in this event.  They make a weekend event out of the walk.

Maggie & Brandi

Our decision to let her go was based on the fact that she has demonstrated that she is an excellent and responsible driver.  She has a high GPA, and has stayed out of trouble.  She is your typical teenage girl but for the most part we could not have asked for a more perfect daughter.  She doesn’t ask for much except for a new cell phone every few weeks!

Some of our family members could not believe that we would allow Brandi to drive so far all by herself.  I told them, “Well, it’s a part of letting go of Brandi.”  It’s one of the hardest things you will do as a parent, but unfortunately it’s a part of life and nature.  Momma bird eventually kicks the baby bird out of the nest.  Besides, for one of the few times in her young life she was not thinking of herself.  She thought enough of Maggie to drive that far, so what do you say?

As most parents know, kids sure grow up fast and our daughter is no exception to the rule.  Her Junior year of high school is winding down and she just took the SAT.  We are already talking about colleges and we are hopping that HOPE will stick around for another few years!  She will be a SENIOR this year when school starts in August.  Next year, about this time, I will have a big lump in my throat along with that sick feeling in my stomach.  God, let’s slow time down just a little.  Please…

Maggie's Friends & Family Gather for the JDRF Walk in Support of Maggie


  1. […] (183) Some Golfers are Jerks (166) Travel Baseball (159) A Sweet Lady Meets a Bitter End (137) Letting Go of a 17-Year Old (117) I’ll Miss You My Man (116) There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (109) Sweet […]

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