Posted by: Bad News Banker | December 26, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

Another Christmas has come and gone. When I reflect back on this Christmas, I will remember it for being more of a Thanksgiving than Christmas. It’s no secret but I tend to be a Bah Humbug during the Christmas Holidays. The materialistic and keeping up with the Jones’ aspect of Christmas was enough to make me a modern-day Scrooge.

At my home, Christmas Eve is an evening spent with my dad’s side of the family. This year, we had the lowest turnout ever.  Instead of being upset, I said a quiet prayer which went something like this: I’m thankful for the family that’s here and lord please be with the ones that could not make it. Please let them know how much I love them and will miss them this Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is just not Christmas Eve without them.

For the first time, I could sense that my kids were finally picking up on the idea that Christmas meant a little more than what gifts they received. I could sense a little more appreciation for the gifts they received and I could see a twinkle in their eyes when they gave my wife and me an unexpected gift. The gift made their dad get this big lump in his throat and little water made its way to his tear duct. I’m thankful for my kids especially when I read today’s Facebook posts from parent’s complaining about their kid’s lack of appreciation. One mom went as far to say that her son said that this Christmas sucked. 

Being that it’s now the night after Christmas, my thoughts drift back to December 26, 2008 when we lost a dear friend, Anna Hurdle. I think about how Christmas must bring back such awful memories for Anna’s family and how they had their very own Christmas nightmare.  I’m thankful that Anna’s family has survived and rebounded from their nightmare.  The loss of Anna reminds me every Christmas, to appreciate the things that I have and to get over the material things that I don’t have or didn’t get for Christmas. Amen.

Anna Brooke Hurdle 5/24/97 - 12/26/08


  1. I love you: )

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