Posted by: Bad News Banker | March 23, 2012

Colton Got What HE Deserved

Picture from

If you are not a fan of the TV show, Survivor, then you won’t understand the premiss of this blog.  But, picture this: sweet revenge, payback is hell, karma, and what goes around comes around.  It all happened in five minutes on the latest episode of Survivor and I could not have been any happier. In a previous blog, I mentioned that Colton was this season’s villain.

Again, he preyed upon another Survivor contestant (Christina) and proceeded to insult her in an arrogant, condescending, in-your-face, and insensitive way, “you are the next person to be voted off so you can just leave now or have yourself medevac out-a-here.”

Within a few minutes, Colton’s stomach starting hurting him and before long, he was in so much pain that he could not even stand up.  The Survivor doctor came over to examine Colton and diagnosed him with an acute appendicitis.  He was removed from the game and medevac out of the game.  How ironic was that? Poetic justice. I loved it!

I consider Colton nothing more than a bully.  Someone needed to stand up and put him in his place.  Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the mouth.”  That’s what Colton needed was a punch in the mouth, and I’m calling out all of the other guys that would not stand to him because he was in a position of power.  They would not stand up for the good guys and gals especially when they were being bullied or wronged.

I will leave you with this quote by Thich Nhat Hanh, “When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That’s the message he is sending.”


  1. Good message Earl. I always look forward and enjoy your blogs. Miss ya.

    • Thank you, Angela. I miss you more!

  2. Earl, I had to reply….me and my husband could not agree with you more….while I would never laugh at anyone’s pain, I did at Colton…He got what he deserved. I am so glad he kept the idol to prove what a selfish person and bully he was…he would not even return it to who gave it to him…I only wish that Alicia had been voted off before the merge because she was just as ugly!!! What comes aroung, goes around!!! Amen!!!

    • I’m glad you liked it! The problem is that Colton will come back on another season of Survivor. Hopefully, it will be like Russell and they will vote him off quickly.

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