Posted by: Bad News Banker | August 18, 2013

The Hill from Hellen


The view from the back porch of our weekend rental

Last weekend, I took a family trip to Helen, GA which sits in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains (I say this for my out-of-state followers).  This was a golfing weekend and I knew my running schedule would be put on hold because, let’s face it, golf, beer, and a sore back take precedent over running.  Besides, my sister and her husband drove in from Dallas, TX to partake in the weekend festivities so I had to oblige.

The more golf I played, the tighter my back became.  I drank a few extra beer with the thought that it might loosen up my back (my dad and brother’s remedy) but to no avail.  The second day of golf was so bad that I really thought about dumping my clubs in a nearby lake.  I felt every day of my 44 year existence.

Determined that I was not old and over the hill, I went to bed early and awoke about 6 am on a beautiful Sunday morning for my 10-mile run. The Ennsbruck community of Helen sits on the side of a pretty tall foothill. If they want to call it a foothill that’s fine but it’s a damn mountain.

It was unseasonably cool but still very humid from the thunderstorms that rumbled through Helen the day before.  Running into Helen from our vacation rental was a piece of cake.  I was blazing down the hill so fast that I quickly thought I was going to lose control or slip on some algae infested pavement. It was a great feeling (clean, cool air) as the run through Helen was mostly flat and looped around the city twice before I started my ascent back up the mountain. It was great UNTIL I started back up the tiny foothill.

I will never complain about another metro Atlanta hill. Never. Ever. The first hill on my ascent was a welcome site and I defeated it in a hurry.  The second hill is another story. This hill was so tall and long that after a couple of minutes of the ascent, I had the sensation that my legs were moving but I was going nowhere.  The hill was so steep that I felt the pavement was right in front of my face, so I was careful not to swing my arms too abruptly in a fear of hitting my knuckles on the pavement.  This hill hurt.  The pain in my calves and thighs was burning like a raging forest fire. To hell with my back, my legs are now another story. I had another sensation that if I leaned back too far or got too upright that I might tumble down the hill backwards.  Several motorists and passerby’s wondered what in the hell I was doing.  That’s when it came to me…my next blog…The Hill from Hellen!

Helen's Bear

Our Saturday Visitor…My sister claims we stirred him up from all the golf balls my brother and I hit into the woods!

My brother, Casey & I hunkered under the back porch of someone's house along the Ennsbruck Golf Course as we wait out a thunderstorm!

My brother, Casey & I hunkered under the back porch of someone’s house along the Ennsbruck Golf Course as we wait out a thunderstorm!



  1. Earl, We just dropped Walt off yesterday in the Mountains for College. Have to say, I am not sure he is going to tackle the Foothills as you did ! They started @ Young Harris where the incoming Freshman Hike up the Brasstown Mountain and the Seniors Hike down.. He let me know it was canceled for today…He was a little disappointed but we will see once he makes that Hike….As we were on our way to Young Harris, It was Biker Weekend in Helen….Very interesting to say the least …The pains I am sure are from our Age !! I am feeling it more and more everyday. .Best of Luck !!

    • Thank you, Dana. I’m glad you read my blog…I know the feeling of dropping your first born off to college. We did it again for Brandi last weekend. They are growing faster and faster everyday. Time is flying by…

  2. I have NEVER laughed so hard! You, my dear are just a babe…I would suggest being senior to you and ran for a better part of my short legged life that you drive your path before you run it. I have learned long ago to take a cell phone as my husband know I can run there, it’s the running back that will kill you…he has been trained to keep the car close and his cell phone closer. Now we walk together as it is NO longer suggested to run due to bad knees and hips! We just hope we can walk each other home! Again…You are too funny! Keep them coming…

    • Thank you, Linda! I run with a cell phone…sometimes but on this particular morning I entertained myself by singing during the early part of my run in hopes of scaring any bears away. The sad part is that I ran this hill about 3 years ago and it did not seem as bad. I guess that I was younger and in better shape.

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