Posted by: Bad News Banker | September 26, 2013

Windows Down

Go Dawgs! Beat LSU!

Go Dawgs! Beat LSU!

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “455 Air Conditioning?” That’s 4 windows down at 55 mph. That’s what my father called it back in the day before he could afford to add a/c as one of his vehicle upgrades.  Recently, my a/c went out in my Explorer, so I’ve taken advantage of the unseasonably cool weather and have rolled down my windows to enjoy the fresh and sometimes cool air.

After a month of riding down the road with my windows down, I’ve learned something.  There are a lot of things we miss with our windows as us old folks say, “rolled up”.  There are many unexpected sounds that I’ve merely forgotten in my every day life.  There is the usual loud engine or the backfiring of a muffler that will startle you and send a few chills up your spine.  The dog barking in the car next to you or the roar of the deafening tractor trailer engine rumbling down the highway. Don’t forget the birds chirping or the sound of kids playing at the school playground.  At UGA football games, the tailgaters make every sound imaginable.

And, let’s not forget the smells.  Oh yes, the smells. My God, there is nothing like sniffing in all the carbon monoxide as well as the seasoned road kill.  Lovely. Rumbling up and down Highway 138 in Conyers, I will always get a surprise when I pass the sewer lift station somewhere in the vicinity of First Baptist Church.  That is the best smell of them all.  Hopefully, no one will light a match while they are driving!

I’ve noticed another phenomenon. I can smell the cigarette smoke in people cars especially when their windows are rolled down. And, you can smell the smoke in their cars lingering even when they are not smoking a cigarette.  I’ve noticed this when I’ve been running down the road as well.  You can smell the cars of cigarette smokers.  It’s awful.

What I’ve enjoyed the most is all the eaves dropping on all the cell phone conversations.  I take great comfort in knowing that I’m not the only guy getting chewed out by their spouse on the other end of the line.  Sometimes, I wonder what language that person is speaking. Better yet, I take great interest to the music the person beside me is listening to unless the base is up so loud I can’t hear myself think.

Overall, I haven’t missed my a/c very much.  It’s been missed on those recent 95 degree days and of course when it’s raining, but roll down those windows and give it try.  The cool Fall air is on the way. You’ll never know what you are missing out in the great big world until you try it!  Have a great day 🙂

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