Posted by: Bad News Banker | September 27, 2013

Blog #100 Dedicated to Easton

It’s official. This is blog #100. I’ve written 50,478 words, had 6,049 hits, and people have left 59 comments. It sounds like a pile of useless information and that’s probably right! But, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them.  It’s inspiring, motivating, and stimulating. I love hearing the feedback and the comments so please keep them coming. Here are the most popular blogs in order of popularity based on the number of hits:

So Long Big Zesty (189 hits)
You Know What I Mean, Vern? (183)
Some Golfers are Jerks (166)
Travel Baseball (159)
A Sweet Lady Meets a Bitter End (137)
Letting Go of a 17-Year Old (117)
I’ll Miss You My Man (116)
There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (109)
Sweet Joni (106)
Friends (104)

I had one blog that received no hits and I’m glad, because I made a bold prediction and it didn’t even come close to being true.  You can read it here!  I had three blogs over 1,000 words.  Here they are if you are interested:

  1. Life is not Fair: Community Banks Get Shunned by Senate Today (3,349 words)
  2. Travel Baseball (1,577)
  3. We Love Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (1,170)

My shortest blog was 150 words and you can read it here.  My favorite blog is Toy Story 3: What it meant to me. If you’ve seen the movie then you will completely understand the blog.

My nephew, Easton Lewis Wise was born on Tuesday, September 24, 2013.  He is a beautiful young man and I can’t wait to see what life will bring his way.  I like it that our initials are fairly close (my initials are LEW). I’ve got a feeling that an Easton baseball bat will be in his near future.  In fact, I’m certain that he will be swinging a baseball bat fairly soon.  If he has any height, displays any quickness or leaping ability, I’ve got a feeling that basketball will be in his early future as well.  His momma is a teacher, so I know she’ll have him reading and writing really soon.  Maybe someday, he’ll read this blog, and perhaps it will encourage him to write or maybe even read a little more.  Here is my worldly advice to you.  Your mom is smarter…she graduated from Georgia…so listen to her more than your dad.  I pray that your first words are Go Dawgs!  Uncle Earl loves you, buddy.


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