Posted by: Bad News Banker | January 29, 2014

By All Means Don’t Dis the Hat

Saturday Evening, I spent two hours waiting for a table at Pappadeaux in Norcross.  People watching is something I enjoy, so during the wait, I made several observations.  Men, in general have lost their manners.  No doubt, it’s poor upbringing.

Jordan HatAs I made the walk from the bar area to the restroom, I noticed an unusually high amount of the boys/men wearing hats in the restaurant. Did you notice I did not say gentlemen?  Based on a quick scan of the restaurant, I would guess about 10 to 15 percent of the male population were wearing some form of a hat.  Yes, it was a chilly night with temperatures below freezing and several top hats, skull caps, and toboggans were being worn for protection.  However, many were your traditional baseball hats, but proper etiquette and manners require you to remove that hat once you enter a building.  Especially, when you enter a restaurant and without a doubt when you scoot your chair up to the dinner table. I’m confident that everyone that had on hat was under the age of 35.

When I sat down at the table, I quickly grabbed my smartphone and tweeted, “Walking thru the restaurant and noticed way too many dudes wearing ball caps. So disrespectful and ghetto…this is not McDonalds.”  You can follow me on Twitter @thewiserone.

While in High School, I remember after baseball practice eating dinner at my future wife’s grandfather’s house.  With a big case of hat hair, I sat at the table with baseball hat firmly in place on my head. Thinking her grandfather would understand being that he was a huge a baseball fan, he abruptly said, “Boy, if you’re going to eat at my table, it’s off with that hat!”  So, there you have it. The older generation keeping the younger generation in check.  Here I am now keeping the younger generation in check.  Remove the hat and show some class!


  1. Indeed, Earl! I would like to add the hat should also be removed during the National Anthem. The older gentlemen usually do so..The younger ones rarely.

  2. You are so right! “HATS OFF!” Glad to know I am not the only one who shares that view.

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