Posted by: Bad News Banker | January 30, 2014

Weather to Wait or Not

Snow Storm 2014I ran across this quote on a friend’s Facebook and I loved it.  Please understand, I felt sorry for everyone stranded on the interstates along I-75/85 but I did not feel sorry for the people they interviewed and then blamed someone else for their misfortune.  Here is the quote:

“I just had to share a comment.  If government officials had cleared out the city and nothing happened on Tuesday, then everyone would be bitching about lost wages, missed time from work and school, and the list goes on.  It is easy to be armchair quarterbacks and complain about decisions when it isn’t you having to make the call.  For ALL of us, we always need to take personal responsibility about our own safety and if we feel something is wrong with the weather, then go with our gut instead of waiting on the city, state or the Weather Channel to tell us what is going to happen.  Honestly only God knows what the weather is going to do.”


  1. You are so correct!!! While I had friends that I was concerned about out there, they are adults. They had decisions to make and did so with a mature mind. One checked into a hotel, the other had a 4 wheel drive pick her up. Both went to get their cars within the time limit. My husband works for Delta and we live in Walton County. I begged him not to go, he started out and was back within 15 minutes…he couldn’t have made it anyway, so he again made a mature decision with the information given him. Was it bad, yes it was. Was life lost, I don’t think so, correct me if I am wrong. Were people inconvenienced, yes. But in life that happens, we do what we can do, don’t place blame and move on! Why is this concept lost? My heavens, the older I get the less I understand! Weather is Mother Nature, and we know we cannot predict her….EVER!! Looking forward to when everyone is complaining about the heat!!!! I’m a Georgia Gal! People just need to suck it up!!! I’m getting too OLD for all of this!

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