Posted by: Bad News Banker | June 18, 2014

Disney Day Two

The new Garmin running watch connected quickly and gave me a healthy buzz at 7:00 a.m. The sun was shimmering through the trees and day two at Disney is going to be a scorcher. My Asics are laced up and they are ready for their first Disney run in over three years. I take off with the same excitement that I had when I entered Magic Kingdom yesterday. The sweat starts beading up quicker than it does at the home. The humid Orlando air is sticky this morning. I look down and my heart is a steady 160 beats per minute. I love this watch.

The family slept in and we ate a late breakfast / early lunch at the Coronado Springs Resort. Blake wanted their fresh quesadillas but wouldn’t you know they were not on the menu today.

We arrive at Hollywood Studios a little after high noon and just before our first Fast Pass. We decided to hop on the Rock N Roll Roller Coaster before we used our Fast Pass on Tower of Terror. It was great to feel the endorphins as we hit the first loop wide open. Milisa nearly lost her UGA hat and was holding on to it for dear life!

The Tower of Terror was up next and it was Blake’s first time riding it since he was 7 years old. I could tell he still wasn’t feeling it despite almost 11 years between rides.

Next up was the Great Movie Ride. It was relaxing but not much to it. Afterward, we rode the Star Tours ride. It was the first time we’ve ridden it since it was updated a couple of years ago. We all liked it but I think everyone but me got motion sick. The ride was warm inside and no one wanted to ride it again when our Fast Pass came up later in the day.

We took a water and hydration break on our way to our next Fast Pass, the Rock N Roll Roller Coaster. Milisa decided not ride as she was still feeling the affects of the Star Tours ride.

My brilliant idea to watch the Captain Jack Sparrow adventure was a bust. You have to reserve a spot and the online reviews are horrible. Maybe next time. So we skipped and stood in the Toy Story Mania for an hour. Blake compiled the most points and we called it day at Hollywood Studios. It’s not my favorite park.

We headed back to the room to take a break. We made a pit stop at McDonald’s to get a dessert and SWEET TEA! I found the outdoor bar at our resort and got a Sam Adams Summer Ale. We headed to Fultons Crabhouse at Downtown Disney. We ate a delicious meal and got the heck out of there. Downtown Disney was crowded due to all of the construction which took away from the ambience of the atmosphere.

At 9:30, we made another executive decision to head back to the Magic Kingdom, our favorite nighttime spot. If there is a crowd, I’d rather be at the Magic Kingdom!

As we walked through the gates at the Magic Kingdom, we caught the beginning of the Electric Light Parade. The jingle is still playing in my ears. After the parade, we visited the Pirates of the Caribbean. We enjoyed a five minute wait which is one of the privileges of being a Magic Kingdom night owl.

On our way to Space Mountain we made stops at Winnie the Pooh and the Tea Cups. Brandi and I were the brave ones to endure the spinning tea cups! Before entering Space Mountain, we had our night cap of Sundaes, ice cream, and smoothies. As they were closing the park, we finished Space Mountain at 1:00 a.m. You know it’s late when the greeter at the monorail says cheerfully, “good morning!” Our exhausted heads hit the pillow at 2:00 a.m knowing we will be doing it all again shortly. Epcot is tomorrow or today, whatever. Our first Fast Pass is Soarin’ at 10:50!

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