Posted by: Bad News Banker | June 27, 2015

The Best Country on Earth

American FlagIf you do not believe that the United States of America is the best country on earth, then I have a deal for you.  There are over 6,000 international flights that leave Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport on any given month.  We can find a flight that is convenient for your busy schedule, and you can leave.  Good bye.  Good riddance.  In fact, I will make arrangements for some one to purchase your one-way ticket for you so you shall never return.  Please go find how well other countries have it. You seem to know all about it.

No matter which flag you waive or which flag you think others should not waive, the USA is still number one baby.  No matter which marriage aisle you stand on or do not stand on, you can not take my love for this country away from me.  Even if you think a certain Supreme Court justice should be put on trial for treason, I don’t care. You can not take away my American spirit.

Even if you think a gun kills a person or a person kills a person, it really doesn’t matter to me.  I’m sick of hearing our leaders say that America is dysfunctional and we need to fix it.  Or worse, apologizing for being the best damn country on the entire history of earth.  I will never apologize for my country. It’s not perfect but we’re free.  Freedom has a price both foreign and domestic.  Free to be stupid and free to do stupid things.  It will never be perfect. That my friends is what makes us great. With guns or without guns.  With flags or without flags.  With healthcare or without healthcare.  With gay marriage or without gay marriage.

Last night, I finished the television series, Texas Rising.  It was about the state of Texas and its fight for independence.  My favorite line of the series came at the very end.  After General Santa Anna’s capture, he met with President Andrew Jackson in Washington to discuss a peace treaty.  Here is the exchange:

Santa Anna:  Regardless, you can’t have Texas, much less California without provoking all of Europe into a war you can never win.  The next time we dine, sir, you may find yourself a guest at my table, the Napoleon of the West.

President Jackson: Indeed.  Didn’t Napoleon succumb to the Duke of Wellington?

Santa Anna:  What bearing does that have?

President Jackson:  I crushed Wellington’s troops at New Orleans.  Should my country face a foreign threat, sir.  I, myself, will answer.  Salud. To peace between our nations.

How many of today’s leaders would say that to a foreign leader, a tyrant or a terrorist?

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