About Me

Welcome to MY blog.  My name is EARL.

My Name is EARL

Yes, EARL.  I am a commercial lender with the biggest small bank or the smallest big bank in Georgia (whichever way you want to look at it).  I love to write about various topics, and  I do my very best to write about something every day but blogging is a full time job.  With a family, a career, and a coaching gig, blogging falls somewhere in between all the STUFF.

I enjoy people and consider myself easy going and I like just about everybody.  I think most people like me too.  At least, I hope so!

Some of the other STUFF that I do is running, fishing, hunting, and recently SCUBA diving.  My passion for running has recently extended into Marathons (26.2 miles).  I love the outdoors and University of Georgia Football.  Go Dawgs!

Goodbye, Earl!


  1. not goodbye Earl, but HELLO EARL! ha ha ha I can’t lie, when I was a little girl, I loved the Dixie Chicks and that song was my fave 😉

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