The Reason I Blog: Griffin Billings

Griffin Billings: Healthy & Happy!

Last year, I started blogging.  Admittedly, I’m not a very good writer.  But, I enjoy writing. It’s a form of stress relief or a way to vent my frustrations. Perhaps it’s a way to share my ideas with the world.  Surprisingly, a little boy named Griffin Billings gave me the courage to start my blog.  Here is the link to my original blog about Griffin Billings:

I’m excited to report that Griffin found a donor match, is cancer free, and living a happy and normal life.  I follow Griffin’s blog which gives his followers updates on his condition.  Here is the link to his daily journal:

Griffin’s Mom, Mollie, sent me a message about my blog.  She was gracious enough to take the time and thank me for donating my time and money to his cause.  It has been over a year since I registered as a bone marrow donor, and I have not been matched with a patient.  I’m being patient as I know one day, I will get the phone call.  I just know it. It was meant to be.  I encourage all of you to register as a bone marrow donor.  It’s painless, fast, and free.  You may be someone’s lottery ticket to life.  Here is the website for more information about registering:

The DKMS encourages everyone to register as a donor but they desperately need minorities to register.  Please do it TODAY!

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